Have you been to Historic Winton? Have you competed?

Let me draw you a picture. Ten hours from Sydney after getting away after work Friday, arrive Saturday 3 AM. Eyes hanging out of head. Drainpipe Special has only been round the shed three times since rebuild & engine overhaul & plenty of late nights.

This is a circuit with a short track that can be viewed from anywhere. Lots of trade displays. Wonderful scene. Pretty cold but sunny. Spot lots of people we know.

The pits are ablaze with activity. Lots of motor bikes too. Nortons, Vincents, Velos. You name it. Like a swarm of bees, Rev, Rev, Rev. ##### massive decibels. Race cars bustling to get to the scrutineers line up in the waiting pen.

Rows & rows of precious machinery waiting to be called. 1920's to 1960's. Look there's an ERA. Wait there's two, Varoom, Varoom, Varoom warming up. I spot another GP. Its a Bugatti T35 then another, a Brescia. Varoom, Varoom, Varoom the background noise goes on.

We arrive. Have you signed in yet says Mike Hipkins! No, where do I go. Over there & be quick about it..

"I'm here to sign in". Ok she says. Where is your CAMS licence? Where is your club membership card? Shit it's in the car way down the back paddock. I'll go & get it right away, wait for me. Run Run Run. REV, REV, REV more decibels than before.

Next announcement on the PA goes out - last call for regularity scrutineering. Shit only just signed on. Better get the beast running & jump the queue. John Kent helps by pumping up air pressure & tickles the carby. OK that's done, passed with flying colours. Better get some extra fuel just in case.

Call now for practice. "Quick pit crew where's my gear". HELP. Quick - where are my goggles. Ian Debuseville comes to the rescue. Next thing I'm on the circuit. Drainpipe Special hasn't run for fifty years, my mind starts ticking over "How will it corner, will it stop, don't rev too much, remember you are just running in". However now thinks "Gee! feels good, steers nicely, slowing up though, not enough fuel getting through", pump, pump, pump more on dash board pump. Being overtaken. That's OK, it's not a race. Still in 2nd gear & stuck, won't get over the gate, grind, grind, managed to get it into top but can't change back. Press on regardless. Wheel wobble restricts speed & finish practice after half a dozen laps. Exit to pits & park car, but wait, can't get into my spot. I am surrounded. Pit crew come to the rescue & control the onlookers. Phew, need to unwind, except people begin swarming around asking questions. "What is it? Where did it come from? Where did you get this, where did you get that? Is that it's horn? How did it go? etc etc etc. REV, REV, REV VAROOM background din continues. Can't hear oneself think. At this point I am totally stuffed. Four events & two days to go. Boy what a buz. REV, REV, REV, VAROOM VAROOM.

Adjoining experienced competitors Peter Briese( Speed 20 Alvis) & Paul Hunter (Morris Pieces of 8) "wonder what's all the fuss".

Many thanks to my pit crew/supporters:- Murray & Clare Fitch, Vic Elliott, Peter Cashman, David Macdonald, Colleen Heming (manager) John Kent & Mike Hipkins.

Conclusion: Recommended, thoroughly.

Fred Heming